Welcome to our photo gallery page! Click on an image below to view the slideshow:
Dr. Joanne Franks performs an orthopedic exam
Andre recovers patients at the DVSC Dallas
Jessica makes sure our patients are well cared for
DVSC Plano technical staff
Lisa loving the Bulldog
Dr. Radasch updates a client on their pet's status
Technicians discuss the day's surgeries
Our skilled technicians place IV catheters in all surgery patients
Dr. Ben Bayer performs a laryngeal exam
DVSC Plano receptionist, Caroline
DVSC Grapevine receptionists
Worm gets a physical exam prior to anesthesia
Dr. Katherine Wells reviews a patient's radiographs
River is doing great
Dr. Reaugh consults on a referral
DVSC Dallas technical staff
DVSC Grapevine technical staff
Dr. Franks reviews her TPLO recheck radiographs
Dr. Radasch lectures to veterinarians about the latest surgical principles.
DVSC East Dallas Surgical Prep
Dr. Angel Thompson checks on her post op patient
DVSC East Dallas receptionist, Michele
Daryn greets incoming patient and client
DVSC Dallas receptionists
Dr. Barstad reviews referral radiographs
DVSC East Dallas technical staff
Lindsey reviewing radiographs
Dr. Lange explains hip abnormalities to a client
Dr. Scott Bertrand performs surgery
Kati gives some post op love
Dr. Ben Bayer performs a joint tap
Jessica preps a patient for surgery
Dr. Lange reviewing a CT scan
LDA by Dr. Reaugh
Dr. Dunlap recovers a patient post anesthesia
DVSC East Dallas Surgical Prep
Dr. Reaugh performing one of his many surgeries
Dr. Lange and Dr. Grilley
Pre Op TPLO plans
Nicole peforms sterile surgical prep
Emily checking in a patient at the front desk.
Our staff is trained in providing the best care for your pet's during their stay at the DVSC
Dr. Barstad in surgery