Why Refer?

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Placing your patient into another doctor’s hands is a big decision. We realize that, as a family veterinarian, you know what is medically best for your patients. Your clients look to you for medical information and recommendations. So why should you refer a case to a specialty doctor? Sometimes, cases:

  • Are uncommon for a family veterinary practice. For example, a particular surgical procedure may not be performed by the family vet with any regularity.
  • Require special expertise or need special equipment not used by a typical family practice.

Referring a client to a specialist benefits everyone involved:

  • Patients receive high-level care in a particular area of practice.
  • The primary care doctor shows their genuine care and concern for the health and well-being of the pet.
  • The specialist serves as an extension of the life-long commitment the family practitioner has made to provide the best healthcare possible for the pet.